In my Cycle Twine game, I used the bread-making process as an allegory for transformation and self-discovery. I bridged the meaning gap by contrasting the straightforward steps of making bread—mixing ingredients, kneading, letting it rise, and baking—with the emotional journey of Elara, a wingless fairy in search of her true identity. This juxtaposition invites players to explore the deeper idea that love nurtures and facilitates personal growth.

Through this game, I aim to convey that transformation is more than a physical change; it’s an emotional and communal journey. Elara’s wings could only grow when she learned to find happiness and self-love, supported by those around her. The game also emphasizes that growth is not solitary—we need others’ love and encouragement to truly flourish. The cyclical structure reflects this ongoing journey, showing that personal growth is continually nurtured by connection. Just as bread rises with the help of yeast and warmth, Elara’s wings grow through the love and support of her friends and family.

During my playtest, I received feedback that the game was too wordy, for a short cycle game. So I cut down some of the text to make it more conscise and readable.

With this game, I aimed to show how everyday processes can reveal deeper meanings when seen from a fresh perspective. Bread-making became a fitting metaphor for Elara’s journey toward self-acceptance, illustrating growth as a gradual, nurturing process. I hope players connect with this theme and reflect on the importance of community, patience, and self-discovery in their own paths.

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